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Williamsport Symphony Orchestra

May 15, 2018 @ 8:30 pm

Williamsport Symphony Orchestra,CAC 220 W. Fourth Street,Williamsport;570-326-2424     Musical Pictures,this program starts with the colorful and melodic “Roman Carnival Overture” by romantic French Composer H. Berlioz.  Mussorgsky's masterpiece, Pictures at an Exhibition, will be the grand finale of yet another grand season.  Orchestrated by Ravel, Pictures is an homage to artist, architect and designer Viktor Hartmann.  Inspired by his illistrations, Mussorgsky astonishingly depicts children, Baba Yaga in her wooden house on chicken legs,catacombs,gates and even rattling carts!  An ART EXHIBIT will accompany the piece. 


May 15, 2018
8:30 pm - 11:00 pm
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